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- Ballistic Vest / سترة البالستية / chaleco antibalas [7]
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- Ballistic Helmet / الخوذة البالستية / Casco balístico [5]
- Ballistic Shield / البالستية الدرع / Ballistic Escudo [7]
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- Explosive Suppression Blanket
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- Electrical Arc Suppression Blanket
- Mobile Curtain Shield
- Track Blast Curtain Shield
- Cover Blanket
- Blast Curtain Shield with circle webbing straps
- Demining Apron
- Blast Suppression Helmet / Visor (industrial)
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- Riot Shield / درع مكافحة الشغب / Escudo Antidisturbios [3]
- PELICAN-Single Lid Case [1]
- PELICAN-Remote Area Lights [8]
- PELICAN-LED Flashlight [8]
- #7100 / #7600 / #7070R / #7110 / #7610 / #7620 Pelican Tactical Flashlight
- #3310CC / #3310PL / #3315CC / #3315PL Pelican LED Flashlight
- #3345 / #3315R Pelican LED Flashlight
- #3415 / #3415M / #3415MCC Pelican Right Angle Light
- #3715 / #3715PL / #3765 / #3765PL Pelican Right Angle Light
- #3410 / #3410M / #3410MCC Pelican Right Angle Light
- #2010 / #2410 Pelican LED Flashlight
- #2750CC / #2755 / #2765 / #2785 Pelican LED Headlamp
- PELICAN-Air Case [6]
- PELICAN-Personal Utility [1]
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- PELICAN-Storm Case [5]
- #IM2050 #IM2050GP1 #IM2050GP2 #IM2075 #IM2100 #IM2435 Pelican Storm Case
- #IM2200 #IM2275 #IM2300 #IM2306 #IM2370 #IM2400 Pelican Storm Case
- #IM2450 #IM2500 #IM2600 #IM2620 #IM2700 #IM2720 Pelican Storm Case
- #IM2750 #IM2875 #IM2950 #IM2975 #IM3075 #IM3100 Pelican Storm Case
- #IM3220 #IM3200 #IM3410 #IM3300 Pelican Storm Case
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Testing standard for BALLISTIC HELMET of Personal Body Armor more
The purpose of this standard is to establish performance requirements and methods of test for helmets intended to protect the wearer against gunfire. Requirements for face shields are not included in this standard. The standard is a revision of NILECJ-STD-0106.00, dated September 1975, and classified into three types, by level of performance.
Reference Report
Testing standard for STAB Resistance of Personal Body Armor more
The Office of Law Enforcement Standards, National Institute of Standards and Technology has established a stab resistant body armor test standard (NIJ STD 0115.00), which defines two threat types: spike and edged blade. Through the program, manufacturers certify that their armor will defeat the specified threat at one of three threat levels. Threat levels 1, 2 and 3 are based on impact energies of 24-, 33- and 43-joules respectively. In theUSarmor can be certified to protect against spikes, edged blades or both. Armor certified against only spikes or only edged blades does not necessarily provide protection against the other.
Reference Report
Testing standard for BALLISTIC Resistance of Personal Body Armor ( Updated ) more
In July 2008, the Office of Law Enforcement Standards, National Institute of Standards and Technology released the new Ballistic Resistance of Body Armor NIJ Standard - 0101.06. This report describes the minimum performance requirements and test methods for the ballistic resistance of personal body armor, categorizes the types of body armor available, and describes the various threat levels. This standard supersedes all previous NIJ Body Armor Standards. Recognition and acceptance of the NIJ standard has grown worldwide, making it the performance benchmark for ballistic-resistant body armor.
Reference Report
Testing standard for BALLISTIC Resistance of Personal Body Armor more
The Office of Law Enforcement Standards, National Institute of Standards and Technology establishes minimum performance requirements and test methods for the ballistic resistance of personal body armor designed to protect the torso against gunfire. The standard is limited to ballistic resistance only and does not address resistance from knives or other sharply pointed objects. The NIJ Standard-0101.04 establishes six formal armor classification types, as well as a seventh special type…..
Reference Report